For anyone who cannot maintain or receive traditional dental care, we offer hospital dentistry. Hospital dentistry in Tigard, OR is a field of dentistry in which we integrate medicine as well as dentistry. Our dentist inTigard, OR provide comprehensive dental care to patients with certain medical conditions, psychiatric disorders, or any physical impairments. It is highly specialized and covers a wide range of dental services, i.e., from short-term maintenance of oral health to a long-term one. In this way, we interact with patients having chronic and acute medical conditions and take care of their oral as well.

Who can benefit from hospital dentistry?

Just as the name ‘hospital dentistry’ is practiced within the hospital where the patient is undergoing other medical treatments. We are so proud to offer this wonderful service to anyone who requires special needs. Depending on individual needs, we treat both inpatients and also outpatients. The patients suffering from the following might benefit from this dentistry:

  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Cerebral palsy
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Someone undergoing chemotherapy
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Medically Compromised Patients, etc.
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